

Featured Image 28 July 16

Being Indie is a Business

Being Indie is a Business. In my last blog It is Your Business, I have written about the importance of professionalism in being a successful...
Feaatured Image 27 July 16

It is Your Business

It is Your Business. Being an indie artist has never been easy! More so now when every out-of-college kid wants to take up music and...
Feaatured Image 26 July 16

Support Indie

Support Indie. In my blog Support Independent Musicians, I have written about some reasons why music lovers should consciously choose to buy music from independent...
Feaatured Image 25 July 16

Open for National Touring Artists

Open for National Touring Artists. In my previous blog Open for National Touring, I have shared some important ideas to bag an offer to open...
Feaatured Image 23 July 16

Open for National Touring

Open for National Touring. For an independent artist, kickstarting the career is mostly about nailing big opportunities. Having a video go viral or falling under...
Feaatured Image 22 July 16

Support Independent Musicians

Support Independent Musicians. There are many reasons why some musicians decide to develop their own labels. I was talking to one of my indie friends...
Featured Image 21 July 16

Importance of Radio

Importance of Radio. Being an indie artist is a full-time job, whether you are working independently or signed to an independent label. You’re sure to...
Feaatured Image 20 July 16

Drum Recording

Drum Recording. When you are new to the entire DIY approach of the music industry, the idea of recording a demo can seem a bit...
Feaatured Image 19 July 16

Story for Your Video

Story for Your Video. When an indie artist thinks of starting a career in the indie music industry, the individual or the band hitch-hikes their...
Feaatured Image 18 July 16

Editing Music Videos

Editing Music Videos. If you are new to the entire indie music business or if you have just completed the shooting of your first music...
Feaatured Image 16 July 16

Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks

Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks. In my previous blog “More Tips and Tricks for Touring Indie Artists”, I have written about things to keep in mind...
Feaatured Image 15 July 16

More Tips and Tricks for Touring Indie Artists

More Tips and Tricks for Touring Indie Artists. In my series of blogs titled “Tips and Tricks”, I have been sharing with you some helpful...
Feaatured Image 14 July 16

More Tips and Tricks

More Tips and Tricks. In my previous blog “Tips and Tricks for Touring”, I have written about charting a route for your tour and booking...
Feaatured Image 13 July 16

Tips and Tricks for Touring

Tips and Tricks for Touring. In my previous blog “Tips and Tricks”, I had talked about the importance of keeping original material handy while going...
Feaatured Image 12 July 16

Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks. Today I am going to share with you some tips and tricks I learned from an indie friend who recently returned from...
Feaatured Image 11 July 16

Do Black Lives Matter?

Do Black Lives Matter? Your first reaction to the subject would be “what a rude question”. Right? Think again. Are you sure? Since the acquittal...
Feaatured Image 9 July 16

Fans or Friends?

Fans or Friends? When an indie artist starts getting famous and forms a band, at first, he finds his friends attending all his shows and...
Feaatured Image 8 July 16

Raising More Funds for Your Indie Music

Raising More Funds for Your Indie Music. Those of you who have read my blog “Raising money for Your Indie Music”, would know what you...
Feaatured Image 7 July 16

Music or Lyrics?

Music or Lyrics?  I've come to understand that most of us have specific choices with respect to what is more important when listening to music:...
Feaatured Image 6 July 16

Music Festivals

Music Festivals. The season of music festivals is a time when fans are happily flocking around stages of their favourite artists to see them perform,...

2021 Bookings Available



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