
Top 10 emotional songs for Valentine Day
All of us will be in consensus that music is food then let it play on and on. Come this Valentine’s Day there is no...

12 Best Patriotic songs to celebrate 75th India Independence Day
On our 75th Independence Day, we look back into the days of severe sacrifice and struggle put by our independence fighters. Their relentless vigor and...

Most Romantic Song
By Indie Music
Most Romantic Song. Out of all the songs about being in love, falling in love, heartbreak upon the ending of a loving relationship, and the...

Perfect Valentine’s Day Song
By Indie Music
Perfect Valentine’s Day Song. A day when florists triple their prices, and people all over the globe glare meaningfully at their partner, thinking “don’t you...

The Best Valentine Songs
By Indie Music
The Best Valentine Songs. Love and romance is still the most popular subject for songs and at this time of the year, romance is in...

Songs to Have Sex To
By Indie Music
Songs to Have Sex To. Sex songs are tricky. If the songs are too cheesy, all parties involved will just end up giggling, promptly ruining...

The Trendsetter Indie
By Indie Music
The Trendsetter Indie. The mavericks with little or no knowledge about business, turned the music industry on its head with their independent records in 70s...

Indie Music Publishing and Royalty
By Indie Music
Indie Music Publishing and Royalty. Whenever your song is copied or reproduced for sale, streamed or downloaded online, a mechanical royalty must be given to...

The Music Industry for Indie Artists
By Indie Music
The Music Industry for Indie Artists. When we follow the social media accounts of bog artists like Beyonce, Rihanna, Taylor Swift and other popular bands...

Passion for Indie
By Indie Music
Passion for Indie. The term ‘indie’ says it all. Independent musicians are free to express their passion and unique talent if they have their own...

Gender Equality In The Indie Music Industry
By Indie Music
Gender Equality In The Indie Music Industry. Gender inequality is an issue in the world, and the music industry is no different. Though, at first...

Indie Music Royalty
By Indie Music
Indie Music Royalty. With countries that enforce Neighbouring Rights Laws refusing to pay out funds to a party who does not contribute to the pile,...

Are Managers Important for Indie Artists?
By Indie Music
Are Managers Important for Indie Artists? There are many things that even a DIY artist needs help with. Hence, it is more important than you...

Managing Indie Music
By Indie Music
Managing Indie Music. Every song conveys a message - with or without lyrics - whether you care about the message's significance or not is a...

Indie Music in 2016
By Indie Music
Indie Music in 2016. With the invention of technology, new, generally economical recording instruments, more people can take part in the production of music than...

Indie Artist Getting Creative
By Indie Music
Indie Artist Getting Creative. “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.” A lack of meaning...

Indie Artist – Career Choices
By Indie Music
Indie Artist – Career Choices. There will be those inevitable periods when you find yourself in a creative rut, if your music career spans any...

Digital Indie Music
By Indie Music
Digital Indie Music. Computerized music sites empower indie artists to market their music. Artists can offer extensive libraries of downloadable melodies. This, opens doors for...

Promoting Indie Music
By Indie Music
Promoting Indie Music. No talent scout will ride into your gig on a white horse to discover and rescue you from the maze of talent...

Indie Music Copyrighting
By Indie Music
Indie Music Copyrighting. What do you do when you don't have a label endorsing your music and you need to pick between paying your own...