Indie Music, Indie Artist

Indie Artist – Way to Success

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Indie Artist – Way to Success.

All of us know that, to a certain extent, there is a peripheral psychological effect that comes with dressing and acting the part to which you aspire. This is true for an indie artist as well. Start acting what you aspire to be and you will eventually become that one day. as discussed in my blog Indie Artist – Success Gear, get yourself geared up for success and put 100% of your energy into every performance. Complete your performance, no matter what goes wrong, even if it’s just you and the sound guy. From the moment you walk in the door, until the last embers of the after-party die out. maintain your performance persona. The idea is to believe in yourself.

In this series of blogs I am sharing ways for indie artists to understand success and define it for their career in the music industry, and my next suggestion is – welcome criticism. Nothing helps you learn and grow faster than constructive feedback. It’s easy to get lost in the universe that you create with your music. In that universe, you are a god, and a genius, and the creator of all that is and ever was. Of course, that universe can easily be shattered when it collides with the “real world.” Especially since a lot of musicians are very shy people that use their performing persona as a tool to give them the confidence to interact with earthlings. The best thing that you can do is transform the things that hurt you into things that help you. Keep in mind that people don’t generally care enough about you to want to hurt you. Anything they say to you is really just a reflection of their experience. And their experience is ultimately the source of your income. Pearl Jam once played a set-list concocted by one of their fans that turned out to be arguably their best show ever.

Develop Your Talent

You must commit to spending time every single day practicing your craft. I know there is a lot of other stuff to do like performing, networking, booking, marketing, and tweeting. But it’s all for naught if you aren’t consistently creating mind-blowing music and advancing your skills. A good buddy of mine told me recently that he hadn’t played any of his own songs in over a year. He was just sick of playing those same songs all the time and took a break. The only thing I could respond with was, “If even you’re sick of those songs, imagine how your fans must feel!” This guy is one of the most amazing musicians I have ever met and the songs he was sick of are spectacular, but he had gone through a period of stagnation. Even though he hasn’t writing new stuff, he spent the last year learning new covers, exploring new ideas, and exercising those music muscles that had atrophied by playing the exact same set-list over and over.


Below are some quick ideas that I just want to share as my final thoughts to help you achieve your goals:

  • If you truly believe that what you are doing is beautiful, so will your audience. Performing is like telling a joke. It’s all about the delivery. You can tell a joke with confidence and projection or, you can use the exact same words, but be timid and unsure. I’m sure you can guess which one people are going to laugh at.
  • A singing voice that is not “traditionally” great can give you the great advantages of character and distinctiveness, especially when coupled with good songwriting. I’m thinking of Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, and Jimi Hendrix, just to name a few.
  • When you play something “perfectly,” stop. Then take a moment to reflect on the feeling. Your brain doesn’t differentiate between what’s real and what’s imagined. The same neurological pathways are used either way. You’ll find that it is much easier to reproduce a feeling than a specific combination of notes, yet the result is the same. So, rehearse the way you want to feel and that will come out in your performance.
  • With anything you want to accomplish, trial & error is the best way to gain knowledge. Thomas Edison said, “I have never failed. I have just discovered 10,000 ways that don’t work.”
  • Other paths in life have predefined goals and curriculums. The first challenge in choosing the musical path is defining your own terms of success. And hopefully, after reading this article, you have a better idea of how to do that.
  • And finally, differentiate yourself by creating the element of the unexpected. The well-worn paths are full of people driving down the highway and getting startled by roadrunners that dart in front of them. Be the most creative roadrunner you can be. Because there aren’t always roads where you’re going.

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Indie Music

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