independent music

Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks. Today I am going to share with you some tips and tricks I learned from an indie friend who recently returned from a country tour as a DIY singer-songwriter. Just to let you in on his background, he is a San Diego-based folk singer-songwriter and has just finished touring the country with […]

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Do Black Lives Matter?

Do Black Lives Matter? Your first reaction to the subject would be “what a rude question”. Right? Think again. Are you sure? Since the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer in 2013 and the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, leading to the Ferguson unrest in 2014, the phrase “black lives matter” has become a new

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Fans or Friends?

Fans or Friends? When an indie artist starts getting famous and forms a band, at first, he finds his friends attending all his shows and suddenly, getting audience becomes so easy. Feels like you have a dedicated crowd. Seeing familiar faces in the crowd gives the confidence that you need to kick-start your career. A

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Music or Lyrics?

Music or Lyrics?  I’ve come to understand that most of us have specific choices with respect to what is more important when listening to music: the lyrics or the music. Our choices play an important role in an indie artist’s life, because they are always eager to know what the audience would like to hear.

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Music Festivals

Music Festivals. The season of music festivals is a time when fans are happily flocking around stages of their favourite artists to see them perform, or even looking to discover new artists. For budding indie artists, it is a great platform to get noticed and build a fan base. Getting booked at a music festival

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Being an Indie Artist

Being an Indie Artist. It has never been anything but difficult to be an indie artist. Nowadays, it’s just gotten harder. One look at the news will tell you why. David Byrne, lead artist of the Talking Heads and creator of How Music Works, was in Billboard recently, reacting to the multiplication of websites offering

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