Indie Music, Indie Artist

An Insight for Indie Artists

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An Insight for Indie Artists.

In today’s world of internet, all indie artists know and accept the importance of creating more and more channels for promotion of music online. As discussed in my article Uncovered Ways – Indie Music Online Promotion, you may create a channel with your song lyrics. YouTube is the best place to promote an indie team. However, don’t stop with only one official channel. It’s not really enough. A channel with backstage videos from your rehearsals, or a channel with remixes and covers. Cross-post your videos among these channels to let more people view them. Try to use different keywords and hashtags for one and the same video. Don’t forget to turn on comments to see what people think about your music. And of course, write a good description for your channel and videos to make users subscribe to your news.  After some time, check what goes better and rename other videos.

In this series of articles, I am discussing lesser known ways for indie artists to promote their work online. It is also a good idea to share your experiences with fans and followers. Your fans want to know what is happening in your life, and they love to feel they are a part of it when you share ‘behind the screen” pictures, videos and information with them.

Use Trailers for Videos

Quick short videos are a great way to advertise your music. Short videos become popular quickly, especially on YouTube, because people can watch them anytime, anywhere. They are easy to make ad do not take a lot of time. Spend some time in making great short videos out of your YouTube clips and post them for more visibility. Remember to provide a link to the complete video and add corresponding hashtags.


Get Opinions

Cross-post all your news, blog posts and YouTube videos to your social channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. Following the popular music bands of your genre is a great way to pull audience to your profile. You may also try to connect with famous music critics and music blog editors. Ask them to check your tracks and share their opinion. It might be very useful for your future. But don’t overdo it.

Subscribe to Tips

 There is always more of learning to do, no matter how much you have learnt in life. There might still be a lot of ways to promote your band or advertise your music that you don’t know about and even I don’t know they exist. There is something new coming up every day. Subscribe to best practices on websites of your choice to get the latest ideas about music promo. Read blogs, they sometimes have very relevant information. If you have doubts, feel free to ask. Most people share their experiences online to help others and are happy to answer your questions. Get a website for yourself. Try everything you’ve learned on your own site pages and social channels. Check what goes best of all and cut the rest. If you need help in creating and maintaining a websiteHyperEffects can help you with it. HyperEffects is can help you to create a website to display your talent or sell your indie music or indie art.

Get Insight

We all learn from watching. Facebook has a compare feature that allows page owners to compare their pages with related ones. Go to Insights, you will be able set-up 5 pages to compare your social performance with. Following pages that have better performance helps you learn new tips and tricks. Follow them, watch them and learn from them. They were not born doing social networking. They have also learnt it from somewhere. Benefit from their experience that social media has made available for you. Keep a check on where their fans come from, and try to make yourself visible in those same places. Note their age, gender and create an ad-campaign with these parameters to get more people on your page.

I am going to return with some more easy to learn and quick to follow tips about another subject relating to indie music and independent artists soon! So, keep coming back and, yes, your comments and experiences are always welcome!

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Indie Music