How indie are you?
Indie is short for independent. It speaks of originality, uniqueness and individuality. Most of us tend to think that being indie basically means making independent songs but the independent thing is kind of a spirit. An inbuilt thing. The expression of yourself. That factor that makes you want to stand alone and not join the crowd so to say. Because you appreciate your own style rather than getting lost in the crowd.

There are some clues that might help you realize the extent of your “indie-ness”. Here we go!
When it comes to what you wear, you immediately think of an unknown or an antique store whole your friends are screaming Victoria’s Secret and all what not. You shop online at an unknown store and wherever because you just have to have that independent look and express your independent spirit!
Knowledge about a new band
You are often aware of a new band months before they are popular. You’re always jamming to songs that most people are not even aware of. Your friends get their new songs from you.
Eating habit
You are either a staunch vegetarian or a liberal vegan. The idea of eating meat makes you go yuck!
Self improvement
You spend a lot of time building your artistic side. You write songs, you make beats, you learn instruments, you watch tutorials on YouTube.
You love writing and you can’t imagine your life without it. Writing songs or stories is like your second nature.
Choice of a restaurant
When it comes to where you want to eat, you always or often go local rather than a popular food chain restaurant. This is because you appreciate uniqueness and your local culture.
Appreciation of independent artistes
You have no respect for musicians, actors or artists who sell out. You believe that retaining your own voice beats having money. Money is not the source of your happiness. Being happy and doing your own thing matters more to you.
Being different
Your taste in clothes, food, music, painting, books etc are usually different from those of your friends.
Appreciation of small businesses
When you pass by a small eatery, book stores, record store or clothes shop, you feel a deep sense of appreciation. You would rather own your own little shop than become the CEO of a multi-million dollar company.
Body decorations
When it comes to decorating the body, you are all up for it. You also admire people who have them too, for example, piercings, tattoos, and funky hair styles.
After all is said and done, indie represents one’s uniqueness and ability to stand out. Being independent means you love the simple things in life and have an appreciation for them. You would rather maintain your own uniqueness and individuality than sell out just for the bucks. You are a unique and wonderful person and there’s nothing wrong with you.
Being indie is the new way to go!
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