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The song ‘Khawaab mere’ expresses the emotions of a lover who has many dreams about the love of his life and how his thoughts have turned into tears. People much love the song because of the emotions it conveys. Most people have said that the song is ‘beneficial to cure depression.’

As per the leading vocalist and composer of MITRAZ, Mr.Anmol Ashish, the song ‘KHWAAB MERE’ took a lot of working hours to be completed. The lyrics of the song ‘KHAWAAB MERE’ is the heart of the song as it attracts the listener’s ears, taking them on a long journey of a lover.

The lyrics of this song use a lot of emotional and ethenic words and phrases that suit the present day’s audience interests. The lyrics not only seemed creative but were also written creatively.

The songwriting part was done mostly in order with the song and proceeded almost in the direction of completion of the song. Prateek of MITRAZ firstly wrote the verse. Primarily all the songs of MITRAZ are written in the same manner. Prateek said that writing the verse is the primary step in the process of song production. The reason is that writing the verse helps them to get more ideas about the next phase of the song.

Writing the verse was not an easy job as it acts as an intro to a movie. It holds the listener to the song and helps to keep the listener’s interest in the song. It also acts as a pre-description of the lines used in the chorus. If the chorus would blow the listeners, then the verse calms them. If the chorus would excite the listeners, the verse must amaze them. Prateek knew that if he could not keep the listener’s patience and interest in the song during the song’s verse, the listeners won’t waste their valuable time waiting for the song’s chorus. Hence the lyrics of the verse were written upon the Melody made earlier.

The words of the verse described the various feelings and emotions of the lover beginning with the line ‘Khwahishen teri mere bin toot ke gir jaati hain’ The meaning of this line was that the dreams and expectations of the lover break and fall apart in the absence of the love of his life. The lines act superbly as the opening lines of a heartbreaking song.

The verse writing part was completed in 3 to 4 days. After the completion of the verse writing, the pre-chorus of the song was to be written, the writing process of this song ‘KHAWAAB MERE’ did not follow the procedure in which the song ‘KYUN YAADON MEIN’ was written. The pre-chorus is like a bridge connecting a road and highway. The pre-chorus must be short but also take the listeners swiftly from the verse to the chorus. The pre-chorus must not include the use of elegant words or phrases, but it should contain the words which describe the lover’s view on why he thought about the things happening in life in that particular way. Prateek wrote the pre-chorus within two days. The next thing to be written was the chorus, which is the central part of the song.

The chorus is the brief expression of the feelings and emotions of the thought been expressed in the verse. The chorus had to be written precisely with more phrases and words that struck the listeners in their heads. The combined effort of Anmol and Prateek was used in the process of writing the chorus.

The chorus of the song, ‘KYUN YAADON MEIN,’ was introduced with the direct exposure of drums, guitars, saws, and other instruments to the listeners’ ears. This time, Anmol and Prateek went a little different, they decided to introduce the chorus part of the song with just a simple melody played on a piano and a small ambiance. Then the chorus part would be repeated with the presence of drums and other instruments. This would take the emotions in the chorus on another level. They spent a remarkable time writing the chorus of the song, which was written in 3 days.

The Melody and emotions of the second verse were kept the same as the first verse. The only thing that changed was the use of words and phrases. A little more dense and impactful words were used by Prateek. The song’s components were ready, and Anmol and Prateek recorded the alaps in a couple of days, completing the song.

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